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1. Common variance in amplitude envelope perception tasks and their impact on phoneme duration perception and reading and spelling in finnish children with reading disabilities / J. A. Hämäläinen... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

2. Ethical perspective on quality of care : the nature of ethical dilemmas identified by new graduate and experienced speech pathologists / Belinda J. Kenny... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

3. Cleft audit protocol for speech (CAPS-A) : a comprehensive trainig package for speech analysis / D. Sell... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

4. Social participation through the eyes of people with aphasia / Ruth J. P. Dalemans... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

5. The orthographic consistency effect in the recognition of french spoken words : an early developmental shift from sublexical to lexical orthographic activation / Chotiga Pattamadilok... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

6. Reconciling the perspective of practitioner and service user : findings from the aphasia in Scotland study / James Law... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

7. An acoustic analysis of prosody in high-functioning autism / Joshua J. Diehl... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

8. Adult psychosocial outcomes of children with specific language impairment, pragmatic language impairment and autism / Andrew J. O. Whitehouse... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

9. Using talking mats to support communication in persons with Huntington's disease / Ulrika Ferm... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

10. Qualitative aspects of developmental language impairment relate to language and literacy outcome in adulthood / Andrew J. O. Whitehouse... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

11. Assessing early communication behaviours : structure and validity of the Communication and Symbolic Behaviour Scales - Developmental Profile (CSBS-DP) in 12-month-old infants / Patricia Ann Eadie... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

12. Speech disorders in neurofibromatosis type 1 : a sample survey / Marjan Cosyns... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available

13. Talking about writing : what we can learn from conversations between parents and their young children / Sarah Robins, Rebecca Treiman Analítico Availability No copies available

14. Fit for practice : new models for clinical placements / Sue Baxter Analítico Availability No copies available

15. Os três P : precoce, progressivo, positivo : comunicação e linguagem para uma plena expressão / Sylviane Angèle Rigolet Monografia Publication Porto : Porto Editora, 2002 Description 206 p. : il., quadros ; 24 cm + 1 caderno de anexos com 63 páginas LocationBiblioteca Egas Moniz Availability No copies available Withdrawn (1).

16. The use of voice onset time by early bilinguals to distinguish homorganic stops in canadian english and canadian french / Andrea A. N. MacLeod, Carol Stoel-Gammon Analítico Availability No copies available

17. Aptitude, phonological memory, and second language proficiency in nonnovice adult learners / Kristen M. Hummel Analítico Availability No copies available

18. Simple view of reading in Down's syndrome : the role of listening comprehension and reading skills / Maja Roch, M. Chiara Levorato Analítico Availability No copies available

19. Acquired dysarthria in conversation : identifying sources of understandability problems / Steven Bloch, Ray Wilkinson Analítico Availability No copies available

20. Comparisons of stuttering frequency during and after speech initiation in unaltered feedback, altered auditory feedback and choral speech conditions / Tim Saltuklaroglu... [et al.] Analítico Availability No copies available