Oral and maxillofacial surgery / ed. lit. Raymond J. Fonseca, Robert D. Marciani, Timothy A. Turvey

Oral and maxillofacial surgery / ed. lit. Raymond J. Fonseca, Robert D. Marciani, Timothy A. Turvey . - 2nd ed . - St. Louis : Saunders : Elsevier, 2009 . - 3 vol., pag. var. : il. 29 cm . -
Vol. 1: Anesthesia and pain control : dentoalveolar surgery : practice management : implant surgery / ed. lit. Raymond J. Fonseca, H. Dexter Barber, John D. Matheson
Vol. 2: Trauma : surgical pathology : temporomandibular disorders / ed. lit. Robert D. Marciani, Eric R. Carlson, Thomas W. Braun
Vol. 3: Orthognatic surgery : esthetic surgery : cleft and craniofacial surgery / ed. lit. Timothy A. Turvey... [et al.]
978-1-4160-6657-6 (encadernado) : compra978-1-4160-6655-2978-1-4160-6656-9
Cirurgia oral e maxilofacial